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ecochute was born from the need of practicality and function...

We are a family that loves to garden. We are fortunate enough to have our own backyard veggie patch in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. We really enjoy the wonderful vegetables that we grow while having an activity that is healthy and fun for the whole family. 


We made the conscious decision to grow our garden organically and without the use of pesticides or chemicals which can be so hard to avoid in store bought food these days. By using our kitchen food scraps in the yard compost, our soil has become a goldmine of nutrients that produce vegetables that taste second to none. Using food scraps for the compost became a good habit - but not without it's difficulties, a smelly kitchen, and fruit flies that would hang around all the time were at the top of the list!

Weekend Market
"ecochute - or some other form of mechanism - to efficiently remove and contain food waste from the kitchen, to be later used in an on-site or community compost, is a component that should have been a kitchen necessity for the past 100 years"

In 2013 we created the first ecochute with the goal of making an easy and efficient way to get the food scraps out of the kitchen quickly, while containing them securely and safe from critters on the outside of the house. This allowed us to eliminate the unsightly container of food scraps on the kitchen counter or under the sink, and also help eliminate those unpleasant odors and pests


Whether you are using ecochute to add to your yard compost or keeping it separate from your garbage and taking it to the curbside for pick-up, you are contributing in a big way by keeping biodegradable matter out of the landfill which in turn is good for all of us and the world we live in.


We know you will enjoy your ecochute as much as we do. 



ecochute has gradually evolved and been refined to become the product it is today - simple to use, with easy to clean surfaces on the inside and durable, weather resistant materials on the outside


it can be installed on practically any wall in the kitchen -  we recommend over the countertop. when closed, the chute door is sealed to avoid those unpleasant odors coming back into the kitchen, and with the ecochute solar package, thesolar powered exhaust fan in the exterior housing helps keep the odors away

Food recycling is a healthy habit for all of us -  and the earth!
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